Hi there🤗 my name is Verna, known as @awesomebodyrevolution.

Let me start by saying that I have always loved being active. From early on in my life, up until I was 8 years old, I enjoyed a life filled with countless adventure. I lived in the countryside where I climbed trees, swam in the ocean(no... not the beach but the Atlantic Ocean😉) and hiked to various spots with my siblings and friends. There was always some activity to keep me busy and I truly believe that my love for fitness stems from there. As I got older, things got a little more settled, but I have always maintained an active lifestyle in one way or another, albeit more tamed😇 less wildlike 😂. Now my active lifestyle mainly includes weightlifting, yoga and grocery shopping😂.

My vision for AwesomeBodyRevolution is very simple, I wish to share my stories and hope that someone will find inspiration from them.