bodybuildingfitnesspersonal trainingworkoutyoga

How I Remain Committed to My Fitness Lifestyle

👇🏽Below are some tips that have helped me to maintain my active lifestyle (hopefully it might help you as well😊)

I set up a strict routine for the gym, because, if I falter in my routine it takes me some time to be able to get back on track. I go to the gym three days per week. I wake up at 5:45am, I get dressed, eat and I take a 20 minute brisk walk to the gym. This walk serves as a warm up as well as a reflection period, when I get to the gym, I workout for 2 hours.

I practice yoga 6 days a week, in the evenings for 1/2 an hour to an hour, it all depends on the yoga class that I am taking. A way of keeping me accountable for my yoga practice, is my instagram page @awesomebodyrevolution. I host challenges every month, so I try to take my photo for the previous day every night. I practice my yoga and then I take my photo.

I set goals, for example during a particular weight-lifting exercise, I will challenge myself to be able to lift a certain amount of weight by a certain date, I do not aspire for the impossible, but I set a goal that I think I can achieve if I push myself.

When I feel like I may be getting bored with my workout, I mix it up, especially my weightlifting. There are so many different equipments in the gym, so many different types of workouts that you can always change it up. Even yoga has different styles that you can practice as well.

I visit the pages of my favourite you-tubers or instagrammers and I gain inspiration from them. Even though I may admire some of them, I use them only as a source of inspiration, I do not try to become them, compare myself to them nor do I compete with them. Everyone has their own journey and goals, I believe in setting my own and sticking to it. Respect your journey!

Lastly I have a huge cheat meal on Fridays which I look forward to. It’s a celebration for staying the course during the week. If I do not workout, I do not get a cheat meal. Although, I may have a set day for my cheat meal, if during the week I want to eat some other junk, then I do, everything in moderation of course.

In essence, I try to stick to a routine, and my routine is a habit, which helps me to stay my course. The thing is, because of this habit, if for example I miss a day at the gym I feel off-balance so it ensures that I stay true to my journey. This is what works for me. Determining what works for you is very crucial to your success.

Good Luck Lovies🙏🏽